Proc Import in SAS

In this post, we’ll explore the PROC IMPORT procedure, its syntax, and how it can be used to easily import data from various formats into SAS. I have tried my level best to provide the insights to simplifying the importing procedure in this guide.


PROC IMPORT is a procedure in SAS that allows you to import data from external files into SAS datasets. It’s a powerful tool that supports various file formats, including Excel (.xls, .xlsx), CSV (.csv), and TXT (.txt) files.

Mostly PROC IMPORT lies in its simplicity and flexibility, making it a go-to choice for many SAS users.


  • Ease of Use: PROC IMPORT is designed to simplify the data importation process, especially for beginners.
  • Flexibility: It supports multiple file formats Excel (.xls, .xlsx), CSV (.csv), and TXT (.txt) files, allowing you to work with data from different sources.
  • Automation: You can automate the process, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors.

Introduction to SAS Overview, SAS environment, basic syntax


            DBMS=file-type REPLACE;
  • DATAFILE: Specifies the path to the file you want to import.
  • OUT: Names the output dataset that will be created in SAS.
  • DBMS: Specifies the type of file you’re importing (e.g., CSV, EXCEL).
  • REPLACE: Option to overwrite an existing dataset with the same name.
  • GETNAMES: Specifies whether the first row of the file contains variable names (YES/NO).

Importing a CSV File

  • Let’s say you have a CSV file named sales_data.csv located at C:\Data that you want to import into a SAS dataset named sales. Here’s how you can do it:
PROC IMPORT DATAFILE="C:\Data\sales_data.csv"
            DBMS=csv REPLACE;
  • DATAFILE points to the location of your CSV file.
  • OUT specifies that the resulting SAS dataset will be named sales.
  • DBMS=csv tells SAS that the file type is CSV.
  • GETNAMES=YES indicates that the first row of the CSV file contains the variable names.

Importing an Excel File into SAS

If you’re dealing with an Excel file, the process is similar.

Suppose you have an Excel file named employee_data.xlsx located at C:\Data, and you want to import it into a SAS dataset named employee. Here’s how you can do it:

PROC IMPORT DATAFILE="C:\Data\employee_data.xlsx"
            DBMS=xlsx REPLACE;

Tips for Using PROC IMPORT

  • Check the Path: Ensure the file path is correct, especially if you’re working in a shared environment or using a different operating system.
  • File Extensions: Always specify the correct file extension. For example, use .csv for CSV files and .xlsx for Excel files.
  • GETNAMES: If your file doesn’t have headers, set GETNAMES=NO to avoid SAS misinterpreting the data.

Common Errors and Troubleshooting

  • File Not Found: If you receive an error stating that the file cannot be found, double-check the file path and name.
  • Incorrect DBMS Specification: If you specify the wrong DBMS option (e.g., DBMS=xlsx for a CSV file), SAS will return an error. Make sure the DBMS option matches the file type.
  • Variable Name Conflicts: If the variable names in the file are not valid SAS names (e.g., they contain spaces or special characters), SAS may modify them automatically. You can rename them later if necessary.

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